Though the service was invite only, people still managed to still pay their respects by standing up to six blocks away due to barricades keeping them from being too close. It was broadcasted live on television and you can also hear it over the radio with certain channels and stations. I was able to hear the first part over the radio while I was working for the first two hours. Then when I got home I watched the remainder. It took so much strength to hold back the tears. The pivotal moment was when they began to carry her casket out, they played "I Will Always Love You" and her mother was being escorted out behind them. I know it is so hard for her to bury her child as it was hard for Michael Jackson's mother Katherine and any other parent in the world. I began to cry at that point and also began realizing how I will never listen to the song the same way again.

Saturday night, I did stop by the church to pay my respects. It was a very spiritual moment. There were so many balloons, cards, letters, flowers, candles and more. The sign lit up with her name, the years of her birthday and death year, and then "We Will Always Love You." News crew was still outside and fans were still paying their respects as the rain began to pour and the cold took over. After all was said and done, it still doesn't feel real.