What turned out to be a random moment turned out to be a quite cool one. I tweeted a photo and video to my mayor, Newark, NJ Mayor Cory Booker last night to wake up to various positive feedback from tweets all over. The City of Newark and the Mayor Cory Booker loved my work. I didn't think it would get around like and to the attention of the NY Daily News. They requested my permission to use and credit my photo and video clip of Mayor Cory Booker helping local residents get through and out of the unplowed streets of Newark with man-power. I was quite honored that they would want to use my photograph and video.
Mayor Cory Booker's response was:
CoryBooker Wow! That's kind of awesome.
Wow what a snow day for me?! :-)
The link is to the article is
"Sore-backed Newark Mayor Cory Booker uses Twitter to rescue citizens, dig out cars, deliver diapers" Written by NY Daily News Staff Writer ANJALI MULLANY
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/2010/12/28/2010-12-28_sorebacked_newark_mayor_cory_booker_uses_twitter_to_rescue_citizens_dig_out_cars.html#ixzz19T0dcFIc
Here are just a few tweets I received. Thank You!
CoryBooker Cory Booker
Thanx 4 catching me in action RT @brixcitygurl Mayor Booker helping residents through the storm today. Thanks!
unfederaling annemariefowler
RT @brixcitygurl Mayor Booker helping residents through the storm today. Thanks!
sidneylogan sidneylogan
RT @BrixCityGurl @corybooker helping residents through the storm today. Thanks!
*sexythinker Amanda Hite
Amazed watchin him on twitter today. True hero-> @CoryBooker RT @brixcitygurl Mayor helping residents thro storm .http://twitpic.com/3ke5vh
*bobhellman Bob Hellman
@BrixCityGurl All good! It's a GREAT pic! btw, @CoryBooker ~> U rock.
*Semishark Liz
@noboa @monktonsam @_lukieskywalker @shoq I should give credit to @brixcitygurl, who took that great picture of @CoryBooker that I tweeted.
*CityofNewarkNJ City of Newark
Thanks for this video! Youtube - Newark Mayor @CoryBooker helping residents, one street at a time: http://bit.ly/hcwyVX
*CityofNewarkNJ City of Newark
@BrixCityGurl Thanks!! Love it!
*noboa Raf Noboa y Rivera
That picture of @CoryBooker I tweeted earlier? It was taken by @BrixCityGurl. Thanks to @Semishark for the h/u.
*NewarkPress Realism Hargrave
@BrixCityGurl Nice work! If u r interested in reporting on the city of Newark pls send an email 2 citizenjournalist@newarkpresscompany.com
*nydailynews New York Daily News
Maybe @CoryBooker can give @MikeBloomberg a Twittorial after clean-up - Newark mayor tweets, shovels, delivers diapers http://nydn.us/icxk3D